Are you ready for NDB? Australian Notifiable Data Breach regulation has started.

What is NDB? The Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme was established through the passage of the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017. NDB introduced an obligation on organisations to notify individuals whose personal information is involved in a data breach that is likely to result in serious harm. This notification must include recommendations about the steps individuals should take in response to the breach. The Australian Information Commissioner must also be notified of eligible data breaches. Who is affected by NDB? Any organization regulated by the Australian Privacy Act 1988 that handles personal data of Australian citizens. • Australian, ACT and Norfolk Island public sector agencies; • Private sector (local and MNC) organisations with an annual turnover over $3 million; • Health service providers; and • Some small businesses and non-government organisations When will it take effect? NDB commences on Feb 22nd, 2018 Gemalto’s portfolio of SafeNet Identity & Data Protection solutions gives organizations navigating NDB the tools they need to solve these challenges according to the shape of their operations and their IT architecture. For more information visit:
