Aurora is the third-largest city in Colorado with more than 381,000 residents. When Tim McCain was hired as the city’s CISO, he and his team found themselves besieged by phishing attacks. Before they could focus on implementing risk-based governance and building security operations, they had to reclaim hours of time being spent on email attacks and cleanup.
The security and infrastructure teams evaluated a number of secure email gateway solutions. After running a proof-of-concept (POC), they felt the choice was clear. The City of Aurora chose a comprehensive Proofpoint solution.
Email Protection protects users against malware, impostor emails, and stopped the flood of spam almost overnight. If emails are poisoned after delivery or use evasion tactics, Threat Response Auto-Pull (TRAP) enables McCain’s team to automatically pull them out of users’ mailboxes—even if they were forwarded to other employees. Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) proactively stops advanced threats before they reach users’ inboxes, including zero-day and emerging threats. In addition, the TAP Attack Index identifies the city’s most attacked people and surfaces targeted ransomware attacks. With Email Encryption, users can now encrypt email messages with a click, enabling the City to more easily meet a wide range of compliance requirements.
McCain’s team is taking on a security operations role with the help of the Proofpoint dashboard and support. It is doing deep dives into incident data. It is proactively preventing spam flare-ups. In the past, if an employee was victim to a phishing attack, it could take the team hours or even days to fully clean up the environment. Since deploying Proofpoint, the city has seen these spam flare-ups reduced to nothing.
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