Code Helps Us Help Others | Global Good

“COVID has really highlighting the digital divide and the F5 Tech for Good grant has enabled us to provide those essential digital items to make sure people stay connected in this time.” – Sarah Tennant, GIVIT A non-profit having the latest and greatest technology at hand isn’t generally realistic. When COVID-19 hit, however, it became a necessity. As the world quarantined (and continues to do so), organizations around the world have had to completely change the way they work in order to continue serving their communities safely. In an effort to support their incredible work, F5ers nominated nonprofits from around the world for F5 Tech for Good grants, which nonprofits are able to use on whatever technology would not only help them operate, but also keep human connections strong which has proven to be a critical aspect of getting through this pandemic for many people. Code inspires global good. Code connects us all. Featured in this video: Big Table Childhaven GIVIT Learn more about the F5 Global Good program here:
