Cybersecurity: Protecting the Crown Jewels of Data with Zero Trust

As data becomes the new currency, how do enterprises protect the data that has become the lifeblood of organizations across every sector? Rama Vedashree, CEO at Data Security Council of India and Sean Duca, Vice President and Regional Chief Security Officer, Asia Pacific & Japan at Palo Alto Networks explore how global data grids and a Zero Trust cloud approach to cybersecurity can protect the crown jewels of data and help create an innovative yet secure digital ecosystem. Keep your finger on the pulse of cybersecurity trends: -Download the Navigating the Digital Age eBook: The Definitive Cybersecurity Guide for Directors and Officers -Join where thought leaders from around the world discuss best practices on pressing risk management topics. -CXO Perspectives provides cybersecurity news and information for Cybersecurity leaders Contact Palo Alto Networks to request a meeting{{program.Name}}&pf_email_b={{lead.Base64%20Encoded%20Email}}&utm_term=Option2_footer Chapters 0:00 Meet Rama, CEO, DSCI: Data is the New Currency 1:00 Data Threat Protection and Regulators 4:19 Zero Trust: Privacy and People 7:24 Zero Trust: At Risk Industries 10:49 Joe Biden’s Executive Order 13:54 Supply Chain Threats 18:55 Cyber Attacks Continue To Grow 24:12 Protecting Organizations from Cyber Attacks
